Monday 28 September 2015

Chat Server and Client Application

The aim of this project is to develop a Chat application using client server architecture which relies on Socket programming provided by java .
CONTEXT: there are many client (Geographically spread), at any time, these client can established their connection to a centralized server and can share their ideas through this chat application. One to one chat by using private chat is also provided in the developed chat application.
• Concept of broad cast and private chat.
• Concept of enable user and disable user .
• Concept view ,edit and delete user record.
• Transferring the text
• Designing UI by using AWT/SWING.
Scope / Functional Requirements:
The complete system can be divided in following modules:
1. User Management Module : This module has two sub modules
1 User Registration Module
2 User Validation Module
2. Change Password Module
3. Administration Module : register new user records.
Enable user and Disable User, view and edit and Delete user record.
4. Server Module : This module is used to enter server name (pc name ) where server is running.
5. BroadCast ingChat Module : This module is used for chatting like broadcasting and display his inbox and outbox and list of user.
6. Private Chat Module : This module is used for private chatting and display his inbox and outbox.
Users of the System:
• Administrator: Administrator can register new user, enable and disable user.
• Administrator can see the list of registered user and also view user record and edit record and delete user record.
• Disabled user can not login.
• Administrator can search user record by this module.
• Administrator can send message all registered user .
• Administrator can be private chatting to particular user.
Chat User :
Unregistered User can register by login module
• and after registered this user can login when enter valid user name and password.
• User can change his password.
• message all registered user
• Administrator can be private chatting to particular user.

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