Sunday 27 September 2015

Android Application for Call Taxi

This project addresses the study of the recently launched Google Android platform, and its online application marketplace, called the “Android Market.” The project examines the paths to success for third-party developers building applications for Android by comparing them with application development for the Apple iPhone. In addition, the project also includes a study of the Android business ecosystem. Research on related topics shows that mobile ecosystem benefits third-party developers and those application vendors play a critical role in contributing to the success of Android.
The main goal of this project is to develop an accessible and comprehensive Eclipse structure application, can potentially assist individuals to book a taxi from a phone and for the company to maintain a database for booking and sending driver details.
Existing system as Call Taxi Wiki, which is a system exists in the market for one year, the existing system helps user to find the nearest taxi around in a particular city. The system all allows full internet access. However, the number of cities in the whole world is huge; database can’t store all the cities names.
Methodologies are the process of analyzing the principles or procedure of a progressive Call taxi system.
Main Module’s
Sign up
Driver And Customer login
New booking and cancel booking.
Confirm booking xi
Transaction Status
Sign up:
This is the first step what user to do. In this module, user wants to create an account in database, to call taxi from system. The registration processes are done by any person non-violating the database privacy rules. The registration will be permitted by call taxi system administrator. After the registration process completed user can get the authentication code and machine generated user id, by using this only user can login to the call system.
Driver and Customer Login:
In this module user want to register the personal details in the call taxi company database and get the authentication processes to go forward.
User booking and cancel booking:
In this module authorized drivers can book a taxi from the call taxi system. Here also shows all the details about the driver who also registered in the system. And the system admin give the personal details to the particular driver only after the matching process is done. Now the matching process is done by the admin. After getting the user details, driver can wait the user confirms the booking.
Confirm booking:
In this process, user will get the information about the distance, time and required fees from the system, then booking can be confirmed or cancelled in the above module.
Transaction status:
This is a module in which only admin can access, all registrations got permitted by this module. Booking request by users and drivers’ information also can be viewed in this module, such as the admin will arrange available driver to serve the particular request.
Call Taxi System is used to maintain the user database in the format. It also very easy to retrieve the accurate data from a database, here all the information about the user are maintained securely and also here we achieve the confidentiality for the data’s stored in the database.
Concerning the actual execution of the database update, once the system has verified that the Booking be safely inserted to the database the data can be easily accessed and be used for further purposes and also the transactions can be done both the ways. Its applied by retrieving information from the database and storing through the android application.
Future Enhancements
Devising private update techniques to database systems that support notions of anonymity different than k-anonymity.
Dealing with the case of malicious parties by the introduction of an un-trusted, no colluding third party.
Implementing a real-world database system.
Improving the efficiency of an application, in terms of number of transactions exchanged and in terms of their sizes, as well.
Highlights of the Project
A system which can be used for user to login to connect a database is proposed. The user can just login to the system over internet, and book the taxi from location to location. With the help of the proposed system, user can book taxi without making phone call, which takes time to wait to call in. In the proposed system, checking the data that are entered in the databases does not violate privacy, and performs such verification without seeing any sensitive data of an individual.
Under this approach, the entire tuple has to be revealed to the party managing the database server, thus violating the privacy of the user. Another possibility would be to make available the entire database to the user so that the user can verify himself if the insertion of his/her data violates his/her own privacy. This approach however, requires making available the entire database to the user thus violating data confidentiality. Once this anonymized record is stored in the research database, the non anonymized version of the record is removed from the system of the facility. Thus, the research database used by the researchers is anonymous.
System Specification
The hardware and software requirements for the development phase of our project are:
Software Requirements :
• FRONT END : Eclipse with Android plug
Hardware Requirements :
PROCESSOR : PENTIUM IV 2.0 GHz, Intel Core 2 Duo.
Phone : Android Phone

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