In this project E-mail and sms technology is implemented for the fast and reliable procurement of exam results. Now also even after the publication of exam result by the university/board, the candidates have to wait a long time to get their result details.
This problem is tried to be solved through this system which uses E-mail and sms to provide exam results to the needed candidates. The candidates who have registered for exam will have to provide their E-mail Id and mobile number for contact.
After the exam result has been published from the university these candidates can call the result center and give their exam registration number.
Now their exam result will be automatically provided at their mail box. In addition to this their exam result status will be sent as a message to the provided mobile phone number
The block diagram of 'Result Alert System with E-mail and sms'system is shown in figure.
It provides required power, 5V to the circuits.
The microcontroller ATMEGA8535 is used in our project to interface details with GSM modem and computer. It connects the DTMF and speaker IC's and also it provides control of the whole system.
The entire 'result alert system with E-mail and sms' consist of two telephone systems - one at user end and another at the result publishing center. A mobile phone is employed at the result publishing center whereas any type of telephone system can be used by the caller.
This is the speaker IC which provides instructions to the caller. The instructions to be conveyed are stored in the memory of this IC prior to application. After the call is established the controller triggers it to prompt the caller to dial their register number.
There is a provision in the APR9600 to interface with a speaker. This speaker feeds the voice responses from the speaker IC to the mouthpiece of the telephone at the result center.
This block decodes the key strokes corresponding to the register number entered by the caller. Each digit in the keypad has two specific frequencies associated with it. According to the received frequencies the number is decodedand fed to the microcontroller.
Max 232 is used to interface the Microcontroller to the computer and GSM modem. It makes the CMOS logic of microcontroller compatiable with the RS-232 standard of computer and GSM modem.
The GSM MODEM is used to send data to the mobile of the candidate.
This computer stores the entire database of all the registered candidates. A high level programming language is used to configure the system automatically to send the result details to the mail Id provided for each candidate. It also transmits the result status to controller for messaging purposes.
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