Saturday, 2 May 2015

Audio Manager

An Mp3 is an audio file format which is encoded from an Audio CD or other audio formats like wav, ram etc... Mp3 is the most popular format for music in the present world.
Nowadays Mp3 players are available making Mp3's the best form of audio.
These Mp3 files are of different quality which is decided by the bit-rate of the file. Greater the bit-rate bigger the size of the file.
These Mp3's have a great advantage of being able to store the various information about the audio file, namely the artist, album , year etc.. This is achieved with the help of a tag.
The basic idea of this project is to create a software which can store the contents of our Mp3 CD's in a catalog based form so that if we have 'n' number of CD's it will be easy for us to manage the CD's.
This helps us to create a catalog of our disk collection.
By using such catalog, we can easily find all necessary files and folders without the need to insert disks into the drive.
We can also Sort files, folders, disks and categories by attributes, names, locations, creation date, artist, album etc. The duplicate files will be notified by the software.
We can update file, folder, and disk information at any time.

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